During our summer mission trip in July to Saint Michel, there was an unpleasant moment. Since I had shared with you the joyful part of that trip, I decided to share also with you an unpleasant moment!
This year, more than any recent year, farmers in St Michel had planted more corn. At the beginning, it looked very promising. “Great yield was the farmer’s song” and then, for close to two months there had been no rain in Saint Michel. As a result, farmers have lost all their crops. The yield is insignificant.
The question is: could something be done to prevent such lost? The answer is yes. Some of the farms are close to rivers or ravines. With a three inch water pump, the crops would have been saved, more food would have been produced, more people would have been fed, lives would have been changed, and “amen” would have been the last word of their song.
Rivers and the ravines are part of God’s creation that can be used for the well being of his people. This year, we are adding to our Technical School an agriculture program which will have two goals: equip young people with techniques for better farming and train the farmers with new skills for a better yield. So we hope to train the farmers on how to pump water from rivers and ravines to farm their land.
This is my hope our mission through its friends and partners will be able to ship to St Michel water pumps to start this life changing ministry.
Rev. Dr. Gueillant Dorcinvil
President of Living Hope Haiti Christian Mission